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Hello dear readers! This edition of the Eco-zine celebrates water, one of the most important things we, humankind, need to survive. In this edition of the Eco-zine, we have information on water, artwork by the students, and written work on water. Enjoy reading!

Why is water important? Well, water is important for the activities of humans, like cooking, washing, cleaning, drinking, and so on. Water is essential for our survival because it regulates our body temperature, removes waste from the body, aids in digestion, and does other things to ensure our health. We need water to survive, our food needs water to survive, trees need water to survive, water is necessary for life.

Fresh water only makes up about 2.5% of all water on Earth, and even then, only about one percent of that water is easily accesible, as the rest is trapped in glaciers and snowfields. Fresh water is a resource that needs to be handled with care, so that future generations can benefit it. So how can we save water? We can

  • Take shorter showers

  • Use water-saving shower heads

  • Turn off water flow if you are not using it

  • Only run washing machines when they are full

  • Use hydroponic systems for small-scale planting

  • Plant drought tolerant plants in your garden

  • Use dishwater to water plants, and/or

  • Collect rainwater to water plants

  • And many other ways


Our very own water-saving hydroponic system, which wil be used in the community garden.

Artwork by Jareth, Form 1

Title: Zen
Description: Nature finds a way,

even through death


Artwork by Arianna, TIPS Year 6

Title: Creepy Spongebob
Mixed media, digital media, sponge foam


Eco-Zine by Tenby Schools Penang

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