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  • tenbypenang-ecozine

Even More Monkeys on Campus!

Last week, dusky leaf monkeys were spotted on campus for the third time!!

Although they are undoubtedly adorable, please don't touch them or get too close to them as this may bring unnecessary stress to them. Dusky leaf monkeys are more shy and conservative than long-tailed macaques. Touching them may provoke them to act out and bite or scratch you. Getting too close to them may also cause them to fear humans.

Also make sure not to make loud noises in the presence of dusky leaf monkeys as this may scare them. This may make them change route and cross busy routes instead, which can lead to roadkill.

Please don't feed monkeys because this may give them health problems as our diets are different. They may also grow dependent on humans if they are fed regularly and they may get aggressive if they are not fed the next time.

Also shut doors and windows if you see them as they may seek warmth or shelter indoors.

See the pictures of the dusky leaf monkeys below!

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